
This is the newly setup blog to split up the creative process of my film I have up my sleeve for my MA and currently working towards. It will hopefully be updated regulary, the old posts will get updated as the designing of the film continues. As the design stage phase closes, this'll probably have thumbnails, storyboards, animatics and linetests to detail the film coming into existence more and more.
If you look to the right of this text, you'll find a summary of posts of the project carried out so far to date for easy navigation, underneath that is what I've been looking at in order to design the film's look and general inspiration.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The Suits

The Suits are business people that buy the 'rights' of the rainbow from the kids. They've been in the script since day one and are the antagonists of the story. These are the characters that start 'mining' the rainbows to unsafe levels and cause the consequent transformation of the environment around the cities characters. They are party inspired by the popular culture look of National Security agents, The Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine and the Glukkons from the Oddworld series of video games.

This is the first ever suit, He's mainly based off of the idea of the scary, mysterious no face FBI agent and probably The Matrix's Agent Smith, which is based off that look anyway.

Here's a bit of a 'vampire' twist on the former, just to show how 'bloodsucking' they are to reflect upon the case that they later end up doing to rainbows what vampires do to people and blood.

Here's a later version of that scary, faceless, FBI agent look. His stance and body language certainly look intimidating for a child.

I found this guy to be built out of simple shapes, but He looked too human. Thing is, I wanted the Suits to look like 'reapers of the sky'.

My next idea to add some oddness to the Suits was to put in some 'penguin'. Here I started experimenting with the idea of giving them penguin wings for arms to make them comically waddle along when passing the cheque to the kids for the rights to the rainbows, obviously, a bit like Danny Devito's portrayal of the Penguin in Batman Returns.
As you can see, I also started messing around with the concept of theatre faces, especially the type that would be familiar to see in a theatre group.

So here we have the look of agent, vampire, penguin and freaky theatre masks. I was starting to like this look and direction as they were starting to look slightly alien and unnerving now, certainly not trustworthy at any level.

This is the current look of the 'low level' Suits in the project to date, they still need a little work, but there's something here. This then started the movement to the design of the Boss Suit.

Originally Edited - 10/Feb/2010 - To be edited at later date with more material.


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