One of the early part of the film is a old grumpy man who drinks some of the kids sold Rainbowade at the stall, it's his reaction to the stuff which attracts the media as the rainbow substance seems to rejuvenate him.

This guy was drawn just by studying and imitating the minimal shapes UPA worked with to design characters. I had to bear in mind that he had to 'fit in' with the universe I was designing and have the same shapes and line quality. He's supposed to be very depressed as if he's contemplating that the best of his life is over and this is where he's at. In an act of nostalgia, he buys a cup of the Boys' rainbow concuction.

Tries a sip of he drink. *Slurp*

Drink makes Man very happy and bursting with energy, in the finished film, he's go into the sunset skipping and clapping his heels together and making a noise down the street, people in the street watch his reaction to the boys' drink. Obviously, that reaction attracts the media to the stall.

Just sketches of the Drink Man doing his thing, moping over to the stall.

Here's some badly inked sketches of the man.

Some of the Man's grumpy emotions. Looking specially curious of that shining drink.

I think this was drawn later once I started experimenting with 1930's oval eyes, I'm not sure if this a direction worth continuing in as I quite prefer the original look of the guy up top.
New Edit - 12/Feb/2010 (Added additional info on last pic from 10/Feb/2010 post)
New Edit - 10/Feb/2010 (Added new pic and comment)
Originally edited - 07/Feb/2010 -
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