
This is the newly setup blog to split up the creative process of my film I have up my sleeve for my MA and currently working towards. It will hopefully be updated regulary, the old posts will get updated as the designing of the film continues. As the design stage phase closes, this'll probably have thumbnails, storyboards, animatics and linetests to detail the film coming into existence more and more.
If you look to the right of this text, you'll find a summary of posts of the project carried out so far to date for easy navigation, underneath that is what I've been looking at in order to design the film's look and general inspiration.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Experiment of the 'Shifted Line' Technique

This is a short collection of sketches based on the whole 'Shifted Outline' look I've been working on.

This is the first one, these are all just small felttip drawings, just to see what happens if the block colour is the same shape as the shifted outline, something I hadn't really thought of before. Somehow this works and I consider it to look pretty eye catching.

Later I thought it would be a good idea to try TOTALLY different shapes, This sort of works.

In this one I tried using multiple coloured shapes with the outline. I think this works. I also started adding more detain to the outlines.
This is where I went TOO abstract and far. None of these work, the effect the previous ones working are totally absent here.
The I tried circles and small shapes, mostly ones you could find in the street, I consider these to work.

On this page, I tried a more overlaid, busy city composition and basically didn't want to ruin the original, so I did a small thumbnail version and did the usual 'shifted outline' to it instead. I found that this works, adding the different shapes on the outline such and windows and doors makes it look very interesting indeed.
Also, on the right side of the page I've started drawing what the absent rainbows look like, which leave an odd cut out section of the sky where rainbows once were, these patches of arched voids cause torrential rain, lightning and later start slight floods.

Edit 18/02/10

Come on, JUST try telling me THIS didn't deserve it's own enlarged picture.


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