A couple of posts earlier, I posted some images trying to define the city in the animation and the Rainbow Rig at the background. Here I tried to redraw in my head on the universities later version of Flash. I'm not sure why everything is transparent, but it looks okay for short experiments like this anyway. You may notice the lack of those 'shifted outlines', but I don't currently have the graphics tablet on me, but I'll try to get them drawn in later.
I added a quick rainbow in here made with simple lines and paint bucket. I was trying to make everything look like block colours as possible.
This is a pink background version, it looked quite nice and perhaps could be prior to a sunset or something. I'm not quite sure.
A moody, nearly blood red background here. I think it looks as if the sky is metaphorically bleeding.
A bright blue sky version. I honestly think this is TOO predictable, it's too expected and the blue background interferes with the objects on the foreground. The clouds colour here also really looks awful.
A slightly light black to contrast against the Rainbow Rig's jet black palette here. I don't really like it, but it was worth experimenting with anyway.
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