
This is the newly setup blog to split up the creative process of my film I have up my sleeve for my MA and currently working towards. It will hopefully be updated regulary, the old posts will get updated as the designing of the film continues. As the design stage phase closes, this'll probably have thumbnails, storyboards, animatics and linetests to detail the film coming into existence more and more.
If you look to the right of this text, you'll find a summary of posts of the project carried out so far to date for easy navigation, underneath that is what I've been looking at in order to design the film's look and general inspiration.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

The concept

Quite simply this is the film.

Act One; Boys accidentally discover method of physically harnessing rainbows by a lake. They start selling 'rainbowade', the stuff instantly makes people happy. They instantly get media attention and make several citizen happy.

Act Two; The boys are approached by a company to buy the rights and the method of harnessing rainbows. One boy doesn't agree with the sale of something for nature and they break up from being friends, the other one gets cheated with a cheque which is rendered useless. Rainbows are industrially mined and used to make everything and anything. People don't care, for they have rainbow which clouds their minds with childlike innocence and fun.

Act Three: The boys reform after seeing the effects that the rainbow mining has been causing, all the missing rainbows have formed gaps in the atmosphere which has caused endless torrents of rain, lightning and storms, only the children not allowed near the 'adults pure rainbow' are unaffected, the children are also largely ignored by parents. The boys then go to the main factory and facility to free the remaining rainbows and shut down the process and encounter the main boss and make everything normal again as the pieces of the rainbow get restored into the original lake the boys got the first harnessed rainbow from and families come back together.

The end.

The film is to be made in a universe similar to the 'Cartoon Modern' minimalist look of 1940's-1950's animation. It is a test to see if I can adapt and I have a very playful concept to play with, the story almost brings up it's own imagery, so it should just spill out and so far, has done.


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