Here are a few pics which inspire me in style and that I could use some things from as I've been looking around and these are things that just somehow grip me.
Second illustrated page (aside from front cover) of Theirry Dedieu's 'The Boy Who Ate Words'. A interestingly illustrated children's book with a great concept. The kid's body is made of negative space, brilliant!
A scanned page from 'Cloudland' by John Burningham, a most interesting children's book, mainly using whitened roughly cut out characters and made to look as if place on a photo or painting of the sky, interesting stuff. Also, rainbow.
I have NO IDEA who did this pic. All I know is that it was a transitioning link for an article on MSN's news page. I just loved the look of it, had to get it. I need to learn how to adapt this look, but currently it's not suited to animation, at least at my level anyway.
Shane had a great post here. I'm wondering if it's worth uploading these images separately myself.
Originally edited 15/FEB/2010 - MAY be added onto in future
I thought about something too much today. About Rulers.
I have a theory to prove the world is flat. It involves placing wooden
school rulers end to end around the circumference of the world. How could
the world ...
10 years ago
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