
This is the newly setup blog to split up the creative process of my film I have up my sleeve for my MA and currently working towards. It will hopefully be updated regulary, the old posts will get updated as the designing of the film continues. As the design stage phase closes, this'll probably have thumbnails, storyboards, animatics and linetests to detail the film coming into existence more and more.
If you look to the right of this text, you'll find a summary of posts of the project carried out so far to date for easy navigation, underneath that is what I've been looking at in order to design the film's look and general inspiration.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Ask a friend

Here's a post of my asking one of my closest friends 'Naz' whom I originally met at High School about the context of the film and characters. I thought it was worth posting here due to the in depth context I explain the film to somebody that had a slight idea of the concept, but explained more as the whole project progressed also some good questions were brought up.

[19:48:44] -Naz- Excellence - says:
sorted your folio out then

[19:51:12] Martyn says:
Well, it's not really folio, just an assessment that's basically checking if everyone's been doing what they're supposed to.

[19:51:24] Martyn says:
Did you see my new blog then?

[19:52:10] Martyn says:
I just wondered if if was laid out good enough.

[19:52:25] Martyn says:

Unrelated Chatter

[19:53:29] -Naz- Excellence - says:
and yeah i read your blog was well laid out

[19:53:53] Martyn says:
Cool, does it really feel like as it goes down, each post is progressing in design?

[19:54:38] -Naz- Excellence - says:
yeah think there was a bit that looked like you regressed like went back 1 step then took 2

[19:55:28] Martyn says:
That's good. My memory was also hazy in the dates of the drawings too, but I think there was a few times that I was doodling and juggling around with about 3 designs.

[19:57:15] Martyn says:
Oh, I was wondering, some feedback. The Other Boy, should he be a boy or not?

[19:58:29] Martyn says:
I'm still juggling with the idea of the other character being a girl. At the moment, I just have a sexy female reporter (who isn't any where near final design) as the only woman in the whole film.

[19:59:06] -Naz- Excellence - says:
well depends on how much hes/shes gunna be involved in the story

[20:00:21] Martyn says:
A fair bit. The character is all the way with the boy until the end of scene 1.

They make up being friends in act 2, but they're seperate for a short while

They reunite to sneak in and destroy the factory from the start of act 3.

[20:01:14] Martyn says:
So, the other character is pretty important, they fall out when the Boy sells the method for
harnessing rainbows to the 'suits', business people.

[20:02:02] Martyn says:
One is streetwise and adventurous, the other is timid and shy and has more concious and moral.

[20:03:15] Martyn says:
It's just a common way to balance the narrative and I've been inspired by a lot of short animated films where buddies fall out.

[20:03:28] Martyn says:
...and get back together for a common cause, of course.

Unrelated Chatter

[20:04:15] -Naz- Excellence - says:
hmm not sure really either a guy or girl would work

[20:04:21] -Naz- Excellence - says:

[20:04:50] Martyn says:
Well, if I get a girl in there, I increase the target audience two fold. If not, I isolate a potential audience.

[20:05:33] Martyn says:
I'm going to ask around a lot and see what seems to be the best answer for it. I mean, they're kids, so it's not got going to be a love story or anything.

[20:06:15] Martyn says:
Anyway, everything in simple writing, like a short pitch, do you like the concept?

[20:07:24] -Naz- Excellence - says:
yeah sounds cool

[20:09:48] Martyn says:
It's supposed to be a film that kind of taps into the inner child and entertains kids too. Y'know, I bet you you still find rainbows cool things to look at. Sometimes that sadly only turns out to be the only little spot of childlike innocence that I feel us people still have, it's be terrible if we found a way for our pure greed to get hold of that and do like everything else we use in nature.

[20:10:37] Martyn says:
It's not really a mission, a statement, a message. It's just a hypothetical question; 'What If?'

[20:11:47] Martyn says:
Hold on. Do you mind if I post this actual convo on the same blog? I just seem to be explaining things far more in depth here. I'll edit the dumb stuff off.

[20:12:16] -Naz- Excellence - says:
yeah if you like

[20:12:25] Martyn says:

I think this was a worthwhile experiement and post to get feedback, I may upload more in the future when I tackle the subject with others, or perhaps Naz at a later point, just to make sure I don't irritate him too much.


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